**Saving** and **loading** models can be desired to start from a previous learning point. In order to accomplish this, two functions are implemented: function :func:`distfit.save` and function :func:`distfit.load` Below is an illustration how to save and load models. Saving '''''''''''''' Saving a learned model can be done using the function :func:`distfit.save`: .. code:: python from distfit import distfit import numpy as np # Example data X = np.random.normal(0, 2, 5000) y = [-8,-6,0,1,2,3,4,5,6] dfit = distfit() dfit.fit_transform(X) dfit.predict(y) # Save model dfit.save('my_first_model.pkl') Loading '''''''''''''' Loading a learned model can be done using the function :func:`dfit.load`: .. code:: python # Initialize dfit = distfit() # Load model dfit.load('my_first_model.pkl') .. include:: add_bottom.add